Tuesday 12 November 2019

Caste vs Varna

We have seen caste system prevalent in the Indian Society. There has been hue and cry against it. People talk about injustice and reservation to specific caste. Dr. B R Ambedkar raised several question on caste system and at the same time provided benefits and protection to the SC/ST in Indian constitution. Was caste system present in Hinduism or Sanathan Dharma thousands of years ago?

In Hinduism or sanathan dharma, there is no mention of caste system. Vedas and Shrimadhvagwat Gita talks about Varna System which is different from caste system. Caste originated from Portuguese word "Casta" which means "by birth or race". This was imposed by Britishers for ease of administration as well as dividing the hindu society in rigid caste system (Jati) which follows by birth. This created animosity led to caste conflicts and disharmony in the society. We are still seeing the impact in the today's society.

How is Varna system different from caste system. Hinduism literature talks about four Varnas: Brahmin, Kashtriya, Vasya and Shudra and it is believed that all originated from Lord Brahma only. They differ in the work they do. Varna was decided by karma, not by birth. People who gained knowledge of hindu scriptures are called Brahmin, those who protect the state are kashtriya, business people called vasya and working class people were called Shudra. Shrimadhvagwat Gita (Chapter 4, Shloka 13) says that varna is based on karma  and quality and not by birth. 

चातुर्वर्ण्यं मया सृष्टं गुणकर्मविभागश:
तस्य कर्तारमपि मां विद्ध्यकर्तारमव्ययम्

Bhagwat Gita 4.13: The four categories of occupations were created by me according to people’s qualities and activities. Although I am the creator of this system, know me to be the non-doer and eternal.
Note that Sri Krishna says that the “four categories” were created by “me.” From here, it is evident that the system of varnas is not a creation of the Brahmins or the savarnas. It is a fundamental truth of the Universe.
The emphasis here is gunakarmavibhaagaShah: The four varnas originate from “people’s qualities and activities.” There is no hint of a hierarchy based on birth.

In Bhagwat Gita 10.13, Lord Krishna says:
अहमात्मा गुडाकेश सर्वभूताशयस्थित: |
अहमादिश्च मध्यं च भूतानामन्त एव च ||

which means O Arjun, I am seated in the heart of all living entities. I am the beginning, middle, and end of all beings. 
When God is seated inside the heart of all varna (Brahmin/Kashtriya/Vasya/Shudra) as well as 84 lakh yonis/animals, how can one be lower or upper. Presence of God inside the heart makes all equal. 

Caste equivalent is Jati in hindi which is by birth. Britishers and leftist intellectuals exploited it by claiming that jati system is from Vedas and Gita and created disharmony in the society. It is important for individuals to understand the difference between Caste and Varna and their origin. This would bring clarity when someone says that Hinduism is casteist. 
Maharshi Valmiki and Vyas were born in Shudra family but became brahmin as they aquired knowledge. Chandragupta Maurya was born in Shudra family and became magadh King (Kashtriya). Even Bhagwan Krishna worked as sarathi of Arjun's chariot in Mahabharata which is the work of Shudra. Ravan was born in brahmin family and became King (Kashtriya). There has been several examples like that in Hinduism.